Precision to Evolve

JRK Solutions aims to improve the production process, in order to obtain more quality and cost reduction in production, always focusing on working with efficiency and productive quality.

About Us


For Better Results

We highlight as the company’s goal: to achieve the best results for our customers, adding value to their products, always strengthening confidence and quality.

Our Services



Horizontal Mixer

moinho de martelos

Hammer Mills

Vertical Mixer

alimentador moinho

Hammer Mill Feeder

peneira rotativa

Rotary Sieve

Liquid Storage with Heating System

There is nothing without a solution, it just has to be done in the right way.

Jorge Ricardo KrabbeJRK Soluções

Our focus is on our customer's needs.


Desenvolver equipamentos industriais com qualidade e tecnologia, otimizando processos e visando o aumento da lucratividade do cliente.


Ser reconhecida por ser um exemplo de empresa no ramo de fábricas de ração animal.


  • Respeito, ética e confiança;
  • Honestidade;
  • Segurança e transparência;
  • Autorresponsabilidade;
  • Comprometimento com clientes;
  • Foco nos resultados.
Contact Us